Ho Gayi Hai Pir Parvat Si: The Mountains Agonized
Documentary Feature
Subrat Kumar Sahu
1h 52mins
Of late, the Mighty Himalayas in India has been reduced to a huge construction site in order to satiate the neo-liberal greed. In the state of Himachal Pradesh alone, more than 900 hydropower projects are coming up, to generate 27,000 megawatts of electricity. Natural flows of life-sustaining rivers are being ruthlessly altered and the mountains are being defaced beyond recognition, while scores of communities are being thrown into uncertain futures. Several hundreds of massive tunnels are already being carved through the mountains into which rivers disappear, and the muck generated is being dumped randomly, which is eating into people’s space, commons, livelihoods. Excessive underground activities are causing landslides and flash floods on a landscape that falls under Seismic Zone IV and V. Environmental norms are being brazenly violated by the state; and people’s democratic dissent is being repressed using police forces.